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Early Reading and Phonics In EYFS

Phonics begins in Nursery and is based upon the Development Matters curriculum, where we focus upon our listening skills. For early phonics teaching, the school follows the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic scheme which is adapted to ensure we are meeting the needs of our children and is effective in teaching children to be successful early readers. Home reading materials ensure that the children are given reading books that reflect their phonic knowledge. The children begin with picture books before moving on to simple phonic books and sound blending books. The school places an importance on the development of early comprehension skills; in line with the Revised Framework to ensure that children are able to comprehend what they read and listen to. This sits alongside the development of children’s speaking, listening and language skills which are crucial for developing children’s comprehension and vocabulary, with the specific focus on closing the vocabulary gap for children starting school with less experience of a language rich environment. Adults also strive to promote a love of reading through daily story time and carefully chosen books within the environment and in classroom reading corners. Teachers closely monitor children’s progress in reading, through regular phonic assessments and reading sessions, in order to ensure that interventions are implemented to address gaps in learning promptly.


Reading and Phonics in Key Stage One

Children in Key Stage One are taught phonics explicitly everyday. This is in line with the National Curriculum, Letters and Sounds and is taught using Read Write Inc resources. The children are taught in small groups by our team of experienced and well-trained teachers and teaching assistants. Children are regularly assessed to ensure that they progress well and are on track to reach national expectations by the end of Year One, when they will sit their Phonics Screening Check. 

Reading skills are also taught explicitly in Key Stage One. The children have a 30 minute daily guided reading session based upon an age appropriate text. Children are taught how to develop their reading skills, explore new vocabulary and develop a love of reading. Our reading scheme is largely Oxford Reading Tree, but includes Project X adventure books and phonics based books to support our early readers. 

Reading is embedded within our English lessons, where a quality reading spine is used to develop writing for different purposes and audiences. 

Unsure of how to support your child at home with phonics? The video below demonstrates how we teach the sounds at Parkview:


Reading in KS2

Reading in KS2 is primarily taught through a dedicated 30 minute daily session in order to allow the children to develop skills to become deep readers. Each week, the series of five lessons focusses on a specific reading assessment skill. The first day is a class read session with the teacher clarifying the skill for the week and demonstrating how this could be used within the text. During the following four sessions, every child takes part in a vocabulary task, a comprehension task, an inference/deduction task and a more abstract mini-mission linked to the assessment focus and text. A daily class read is also carried out to promote a love of reading!

Children who do not pass the Phonic Screening in Year 1 are supported will in Key Stage 2 - they receive interventional support and will follow the Fresh Start phonic programme. 


Reading across the Curriculum

High quality, subject specific vocabulary is planning for and taught progressively in all subject areas. Book corners in each classroom have links to wider curriculum areas and include fiction, non-fiction and poetry choices.