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School staff worked incredibly hard last year to improve our pupil attendance and we ended the year on nearly 95% (the national average is 94.9%).

 It is really important that children attend school everyday and I would encourage you to send your child if they are not feeling 100% well—we will always give you a call if we feel they are not well enough to remain in school. Just to reiterate, I cannot authorise any holidays during term time—the government has made school attendance a priority.  If you should need to take time off during term time please complete a leave of absence form available via the school office.

A reminder that school doors open at 8:40am, ready for a prompt start to learning at 8:50am.  There will be a member of the Senior Leadership Team available each morning on the gates to greet you. We ask that any non-urgent messages are passed either through Dojo or via the adult on door duty. Teachers will be busy preparing their teaching sessions and will not have time to deal with these.