As Headteacher, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the website of Parkview Primary School we help each other to be happy, learn well and behave brilliantly. From the first steps in the School Nursery or Reception Class, right through to Year 6, we focus on developing the life skills of our pupils, as well as academics.
We pride ourselves on our happy family atmosphere, recognising the importance of involving all stakeholders in the educational experience of our children.
There are a many things which make me proud to lead this school, in particular:
The exemplary behaviour of the children. "Pupils have a positive attitude towards school. They are enthusiastic about their learning. They work hard. They say that they are happy and safe. Pupils behave very well" Ofsted, January 2022.
We are part of the Emotionally Healthy Schools programme showing our dedication to the well-being of staff, pupils and our school community.
We are an R-Time outstanding school displaying our commitment to developing secure relationships in school between staff and children.
Our commitment to the pursuit of excellence is demonstrated by the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in the learning journey including dedicated teachers & support staff, hard-working pupils, and supportive parents, governors and community groups.
The consistently good outcomes when children leave our Reception class. In 2024, 77% of the cohort achieved a Good Level of Development, higher than the national average.
Our Year 1 phonic screening results exceed the national average with Ofsted recognising our dedication to reading: "Leaders have ensured that the teaching of phonics and early reading is a priority" Ofsted, January 2022
Generally strong Key Stage Two results over time, particularly with greater depth figures
We are an Artsmark silver school demonstrating our commitment to the arts. Ofsted recognised this in 2022, stating, "Pupils perform in grand productions and sing frequently. The have the chance to learn a musical instrument".
Parkview has been recognised for its excellent provision for more able children by receiving the Challenge Award for a 3rd time! The assessor reported that, "Relationships between staff and pupils are warm, caring, mutually respectful and hugely supportive" and, "Learners listen well, answer confidently and manage their own learning and emotions well. They are polite, considerate and friendly". February 2022.
A strong curriculum which is purposeful to our children which, "Exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum" Christabel Shepherd, NACE Assessor, February 2022. Our curriculum focuses on regular repetition so children learn and remember more.
Parents and pupils who wish to join us for a visit to experience the learning environment at first hand will be very welcome!
Marie Jarvis - Head Teacher